If you’ve been hurt in an accident or have taken time off work because of illness, your finances have probably suffered a great deal. With the combined effect of increased medical costs as well as lost income, it can be a difficult time. Not only do you have to deal with the injury itself, but you also have to cope with the financial insecurity that it brings.
The good news is that financial rehabilitation is easier than you think. Take a look at this advice for getting back on your feet.
Change Your Occupation
Double Finance is a website that discusses personal finance issues. In an article recently published on the site, it suggested that injured people, or those who are too ill to go out and work, think about changing their occupation.
It sounds like an idea that’s a little far-fetched, but the modern economy continues to churn out surprises. One of those surprises is just how many opportunities there now are to make money all from the comfort of your own computer.
For instance, if you’re able to teach yourself how to do graphic design, you can earn up to $150 for every infographic you produce for businesses. If you’ve got a college education, you can do things like write model essays. Even people with no formal skills can earn money through answering surveys, transcription or categorizing articles for search engines.
Apply For Compensation
As the legal experts at http://gtakg.com/ point out, there are many opportunities to get compensation after an injury. This compensation doesn’t just cover the price of medical care or even damages for pain and physical discomfort: if successful, it can also help you recoup lost earnings from the guilty party.
Average payouts are substantial if successful, often amounting to five figure sums or more.
Move In With Relatives
One way to solve both the financial and emotional problems associated with injury is to move in with family while you recover. By moving in with family, the average person stands to save more than $2,000 a month in living expenses meaning that time out of the labor force isn’t so damaging to your personal finances. Not having to pay the rent and other bills will make the period of recovery more relaxing and help your body recover from injury quicker.
Apply For SSI
According to http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/question2.html, there are plenty of opportunities to apply for compensation following an injury, such as SSI or SSID. These forms of benefits are a type of social security that is paid out when a person gets injured. It should be pointed out that this is not welfare. If you’ve paid taxes, you’ve already contributed to SSI and SSID, and so now you’re injured, it’s the opportune moment to take advantage of these financial benefits.
It’s a good idea to get the process underway as soon as possible since applications can take a long time to process and it can be a while before you receive any money. If you’re successful, you’ll get a cheque from the federal government once a month.
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