Even if you’re excellent at keeping your finances in order, there are times in life where just can’t go without advice. Making large purchases or knowing how to get the best out of your money are just two of things a financial advisor could help you with. Generally, we don’t even think about financial advice until it’s forced upon us. So, what are some of the financial milestones we need to be prepared for?
A Mortgage
A mortgage is usually the first big financial decision we make. And, with banks requiring larger deposits and less debt, it’s more difficult than ever to get on the property ladder. However, it’s not impossible. The benefit of seeking advice before applying for a mortgage is that you get an overview of what you need to do to make yourself someone the bank is willing to lend money to. That may be lowering some of your debt, paying off credit cards in full or having a 10% deposit at your disposal.
Whatever you’re planning on re-mortgaging for, financial advice is invaluable. Whether you’re planning on moving home or you just want to release some equity, knowing all of your options will make it much easier; especially when it comes to making re-payments. You may also want to consider options like, sell my house fast for cash, where companies will evaluate your home and then make you a cash offer.
We don’t often plan for retirement in enough advance. The earlier you start thinking about it, the better off you’ll be. A financial advisor can tell you what kind of money you’re likely to get when you retire and what you can do to add to the pot if you’re not happy with the sum. You can also ask how to receive a lump sum in the best way, so you aren’t paying a vast amount of tax. Planning retirement can be a difficult job, but if you have some financial help, it’s half the battle.
Will Writing
None of us like to think about it but we’ve all lost someone sooner than we should have. It’s so important to have a will written, especially when you have children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, all too often families have been left divided when Will’s haven’t been around to say who gets what. It can lead to arguments that are unnecessary. A Will is a way of having your say after you’re gone and making sure everyone is happy in a time that’s meant for grieving.
Following Debt
Life is unexpected and it can tear us down at the most inopportune moments. Many people have found themselves out of work in the last few years and unable to pay off debt. It’s easy to bury your head in the sand but it’s best to seek advice instead. There are ways you can write off debt or lower payments to suit what you can afford. Don’t ignore the problem- let someone help you to fix it.
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